

Lindsay Newnum has lived in the Prescott area for 36 years.  Married for 26 years to husband Jeff, they have 4 kids. Two kids are grown and married, Makenna and Reese live in MO and Spencer and Jordan live in GA. Luke and Annelise are in high school. She has two grandsons, Matthew & Samuel. Jeff and Lindsay have attended Cornerstone for 9 years.  

How long have you been on staff at Cornerstone?
I have been on staff for 8 years.

If the staff is having lunch and you're picking, where are you going?
Taco Don’s is my pick for staff lunch.

If we had to find you on your day off, where would you be and what would be doing? 
Most likely on my day off I would be at home doing home stuff. I like being home.

If you could take a day trip from Prescott, where would you go and what would you do?
A day trip would be a trip to Sedona or Flagstaff for lunch.

Favorite time of year in Prescott? Why?
My favorite time of year in Prescott is Fall because the weather is cooling down but not too cold in the mornings and not too hot during the day.  The Fall colors are a bonus.