All too often, churches are known for what they’re against. We want to be known for what we’re FOR -
and who we are FOR. Our heartbeat as a church is pretty simple - we are For Prescott and For the World!

We set aside a month each fall to serve our community.


We look for intentional ways to show our community that we are for them. These service-projects are ways to put our love for our community into action and leave the place we call home a little better. We pray that these intentional seasons of service lead to ongoing relationships of trust, where future opportunities to serve and share the good news of God’s love emerge.

We started by focusing on local schools. In 2018, we launched the first For Prescott Week. 75 volunteers served over 200 hours completing 5 projects. In 2019, we saw For Prescott Week expand with over 175 volunteers serving over 600 hours, completing 15 projects.

In 2020, we adjusted For Prescott Week to provide a variety of opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic and For Prescott Month was born. 600 pairs of socks were donated, 1000s of snacks were delivered to teachers, and 100s of hand-written thank you notes were penned. In 2021, we continued For Prescott Month, serving 1 local hospital, 4 local schools, 2 homeless shelters, and 1 transitional housing facility.

The gift that keeps giving is that you took the time to share your support with me. It was so uplifting to be recognized and to know that someone is in my corner cheering for me.
— a local teacher