Our Bigger Family

Cornerstone Church is part of a family of churches known as the EFCA. The Evangelical Free Church of America (also known as the EFCA or Free Church) is a voluntary association of hundreds of like-minded churches, not a top-down denomination. The EFCA does not own our building or determine who we hire; we are an autonomous local church. Together through our partnership with the EFCA, though, we are able to pool our resources with other like-minded churches in order to plant churches, train pastors, send missionaries, and spread the Gospel.

The EFCA’s personality can be summed like this.

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, Jesus Christ.”

Cornerstone’s Statement of Faith is available on our What We Believe page. We have adopted the EFCA Statement of Faith, updated in 2019.

To learn what makes the EFCA unique, you can read about the EFCA Distinctives here.

You can read how the EFCA approaches frequently asked theological questions here.